Thursday, June 14, 2007

Re: [BLUG] Presentation idea [Was: Where is everybody?]

I must agree, from afar.

I might mention that up here we have two meetings a month; one get
together with a presentation (usually at the high school where I
work's computer lab, except that room has some concrete saws and
drills working on it right now), and one "business" meeting at a local

The first order of business is usually "What beer would you like?",
then sometimes "Who's eating, and do you want to go in on a pizza?",
and then general chatting with a natural bent towards the geeky.
Actual "LUG business" does often get discussed, though after the
chattiness dies down a little, rather than the other way around.

I must say I would have definitely attended and enjoyed such
get-togethers if the BLUG had had them. I enjoyed eating dinner after
the meetings a few times with people (Scott and Steven off the top of
my head), but that's not the same, really, since most people had to
leave by that point.

If there's any place in Bloomington that's like Mad Anthony's it's the
Upland on 11th Street.

Just a thought.


On 6/14/07, Black, Steven Wayne <> wrote:
> This reminds me too much of my niece describing what she thought the
> group may be like... a bunch of geeky folks sitting around a circle
> clutching their laptops. Which is to say, more like a support group for
> people addicted to their computers (which happen to run Linux) than a
> social group for people who like Linux.
> My interest in the BLUG is primarily social. Sitting around at home
> watching something recording previously doesn't sound that social.
> Cheers,
> Steven Black

-Simón A. Ruiz

BLUG mailing list

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