Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Re: [BLUG] technology gripe of the day

I've had the same complaint, before, actually.

More profitable to conform to existing "standards", I guess, however
stupid and clunky that might be, than to innovate a more reasonable

To innovate a new interface, you'd have to start with a phone and
headset that only work with each other and push that way of doing
things in the hope that it catches on.

Just a thought.


On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 1:03 PM, Mark Krenz <mark@slugbug.org> wrote:
> Why do wireless headsets still need handset lifters if you want to be
> able to control the call from the headset? This is stupid, they are
> both electronics devices, just talk to each other. Heck, the hook
> button under the handset is just an electronic switch. But yet if you
> buy a top of the line headset from Plantronics, you have to have this
> handset lifter do something physical to pick up or hang up the call. So
> without the lifter I have to first press a button on the headset to turn
> that off, then press the headset button on the phone to hang it up.
> --
> Mark Krenz
> Bloomington Linux Users Group
> http://www.bloomingtonlinux.org/

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