Thursday, August 12, 2010

[BLUG] Ohio LinuxFest needs your help!

I am currently coordinating volunteers for Ohio LinuxFest and can use
your help!

If you are interested in volunteering and know what you would like to
do, drop me a line with details. If you are interested in volunteering
and are up for anything, drop me a line. If you want to volunteer but
can only spare a couple of hours, drop me a line!

We are most in need of finding help for the check-in desk and for
assisting with the talks (starting/ending on time and fielding
questions), as well as locals to the Columbus area to help transport
folks to & from the airports.

Please send your interest, a phone number and whether you are local to
Columbus to -- and thanks!

Michael Schultheiss
Volunteer Coordinator
BLUG mailing list

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