Monday, September 17, 2007

Re: [BLUG] Kino uses vi movement keys

Also, Gmail uses vi keys, at least for going up and down the list of
e-mail j == down and k == up.

I don't know much else on Gmail except for o == open, # == delete, x
== checkbox, y == archive, r == reply, a == reply all and I don't know
whether they try to match stuff up with vi where possible.

It's much faster to use the keyboard shortcuts in Gmail than mousing is typical of keyboard shortcuts...


On 9/16/07, Mark Krenz <> wrote:
> One thing I forgot about and forgot to mention during my presentation
> is that Kino actually uses vi movement keys and commands for editing.
> So h and l take you back and forth frame by frame and stuff like Ctrl+j
> will split a scene at the current frame and Shift Ctrl j joins then back
> together. So this is another reason why Kino was related to vi and also
> a good reason to learn the vi keys.
> So if you wanted to, you could do almost all of your video editing
> with just your keyboard.
> --
> Mark Krenz
> Bloomington Linux Users Group
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