Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Program/Suite for passing jobs between machines?

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 03:18:02PM GMT, Joe Auty [] said the following:
> It would seem to me that the big challenge here is generalizing enough
> to be useful in many different environments, without becoming too
> complex in the process. There are a few different approaches here:
> SOAP interfaces, XML, a dedicated specialized service, and then on top
> of this many different languages that various environments aim to
> standardize on. It would be very difficult, I think, to write an Apple-
> style "just add water" service along these lines, nor should you, but
> then at this point the question becomes whether there is a reasonable
> ROI in going the extra mile to generalize enough so that the tool has
> the potential to be useful in other environments. Does this make sense?

Cool, opposition. That's the first sign that something may work. ;-)
I know your not opposed to it, but its good to get some critique.

I've read some about SOAP, XML-RPC and that stuff before, but its not
what I'm after. Or at least, their descriptions imply a programmer
centric focus. Running programs with root previliges on other machines
requires a bit more attention to security than most programmers care
about. That's fine, I guess we'll just have to make something new. It
will use XML to make a markup language for transmitting information
about users. I think I'm going to have to practice XML a bit first
before I can make a decision about whether this should be a general
remote program running system or something more specific such as what
I'm after, which is to manage user information. The XML would be
different. If it was specific, then the XML DTD for everything would be
huge, which tags for every kind of data. Imagine if this was a system
that could be used for creating users, but could also be used to pass
information to a 3d raytracing program on a remote system as well. I
think its going to have to focus on user management. But even at that,
there are lots of different tags that could be created, including custom
ones that maybe only one location may use. Hmmmm.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

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