Thursday, April 3, 2008

[BLUG] re april meeting

Hello fellow Linux gurus!

I haven't been to a meeting in a long time. Our team
here at IU has been really busy, and my wife started
working more nights.

I would like to attend the meeting on 4/8 at Yogi's.

I also would like to volunteer to do a presentation on
some linux music apps (rosegarden, jack, hydrogen,
ardour, audacity, etc on a live cd distro call
dynobolic). My hardware sucks, my keyboard is one of
those cheap casios, and I am not even close to being a
polished musician, but I have found some things really
interesting in my research. Maybe we can talk about
me doing that for the may or june meeting. Hopefully
a real musician will attend who can actually play
better than I can.

Bob Piercy
BLUG mailing list

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