Wednesday, November 26, 2008

[BLUG] Trick for picture sets in Pictures Folder screensaver

Today I wanted to add a new set of pictures to use for my Gnome
Pictures Screensaver, but I didn't want to remove the old set or move
them out of the way, so after some experimentation, I discovered that
by putting each set in its own directory in your ~/Pictures directory,
you can enable and disable a set by changing the permissions on the
other sets' directories that you don't want to mode 000 (no permissions).

So in the Pictures directory you may have a directory for family
pictures, one for pictures of airplanes, one for pictures of space and
so on. Just made all the directories mode 000 and then set the
directory that you are in the mood for to 755.

Of course if you use your Pictures directory for actual picture
storage for other things, this will make that troublesome.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

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