Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Bloomington Lan party April 18th @ Fountain Squre

Its funny, I would think after a few years since having the last one
and such better support for 3D in Linux now that almost everyone's Linux
box would have 3d accelleration. Just curious, what kind of machine do
you have? I understand that a lot of people run Linux on less powerful
hardware all the time and often do it for several years. My workstation
at Cook is almost 4 years old now, but I'm fine with it. But it has an
Nvidia quattro video card in it.

I think ATI's drivers are better under Linux now. I loaded Ubuntu on
a machine with an older ATI card and it had 3D accel from the get go,
which impressed me.

Not all 3D games are FPS. I play Neverball/Neverputt all the
time. And things like Torcs, etc.

I'm all for playing a variety of games and hope that we do more than
just play games, I'd like to learn off each other and share things that
we know and have done.


On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 05:32:21PM GMT, Steven Black [] said the following:
> I plan to be there all day, but I won't have hardware 3D. Also, I don't
> enjoy first person shooters. (This is the primary reason I've never
> bothered with hardware 3D.)
> Battle for Wesnoth - turn-based strategy
> Gate 88 - real-time strategy
> netPanzer - real-time strategy
> Mistlands - role-playing game
> Frozen Bubble - fun
> Tornado ( - looks fun
> I'm a big fan of strategy games.
> All the following require OpenGL.
> Nexuiz - OpenGL + FPS
> Enemy Territory - OpenGL + FPS
> World of Padman - OpenGL + FPS
> BZflag - OpenGL + FPS
> OpenArena - OpenGL + FPS
> TORCS - OpenGL
> Daimonin - OpenGL + MMORPG
> Warsow - OpenGL + FPS
> Armagetron - OpenGL(?)
> Tux Racer - OpenGL
> Legends - OpenGL
> Glest - OpenGL
> Globulation 2 - OpenGL real-time strategy
> Scorched 3D - OpenGL
> Cube and Cube 2 - OpenGL FPS
> Cannon Smash - OpenGL
> Unreal Tournament 2004 - OpenGL FPS
> Neverwinter Nights - OpenGL
> Fight Win Prevail - (abandoned in 2006) OpenGL by way of Ogre
> --
> Steven Black <> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
> Fingerprint: 108C 089C EFA4 832C BF07 78C2 DE71 5433 8596 FA8E

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