Monday, July 14, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Meeting tommorow

I'll have my phone, you're welcome to it.

Dave Cooley

Mark Krenz wrote:
> Hi, yes there will still be a meeting tommorow at 7pm in room 1A.
> There will just be a change to the topic. INstead of showing just
> Asterisk, I decided to turn this meeting into a few different topics
> based on things I've been working on recently. Asterisk and VoIP will
> be one of them, but I'll also talk about and demonstrate WINE (the
> program that allows you to run Windows programs natively in Linux),
> Blender3D (The 3D rendering, modeling, animation and game making
> application. And also I'll talk a bit about the new version of
> num-utils that I've been working on. So there should be something
> interesting for everyone.
> The reason for the change is that I haven't had enough time to meet with
> Ned Baugh and figure out why I can't connect my VoIP phone back to our
> office from the library. Not being able to have the VoIP phone at the
> demonstration makes it hard to clearly demonstrate a lot of the
> features. No biggie, I can still show some other things and if someone
> would be willing to let me borrow their cell phone during the
> presentation, I can show what happens with two lines.
> Mark
BLUG mailing list

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