Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Amarok

Yes, it's possible to share both swap partition and /home between
distributions although the later might be a little bit tricky. Let's
say, you paritioned the drive into 4 (primiary) ones:

hda - / for distro 1
hdb - swap
hdc - /home
hdd - / for distro 2

When you boot to distro 1, your /etc/fstab (on hda) looks like:
/dev/hda / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hdc /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb swap swap defaults 0 0

When you boot to distro 2, your /etc/fstab (on hdd) looks like:
/dev/hdd / ext3 defaults 1 1
/dev/hdc /home ext3 defaults 1 2
/dev/hdb swap swap defaults 0 0

Make sure that your UID is consistent between these two; i.e., if
you create an account foo on both distro's, the UID on both distro's
should be the same. The tricky part is that the program you compiled
on distro 1 (and put in /home/foo/bin) might use different shared libraries
than the one on distro 2. In this case, the program can only be run on
distro 1 but not distro 2.


> Question: If you install another Linux on your hard drive, how do you
> make enough partitions? /home obviously can be used by whatever distro
> is on there, so you don't need more that one /home, but are you still
> limited by the <4 primary partitions? Do you have to set up logical
> partitions to manage the different Linuxes you have installed? I
> prefer to have several primary partitions, but have never needed more
> than /, /home, and /swap. That's three already, so suppose you like to
> set up / , /usr, /home, /swap, and you want another Linux with its own
> /, and /usr, making a total of six partitions?
> Thanks,
> Matthew
BLUG mailing list

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