Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Certain XP machines won't connect to Samba share


The Samba server's configuration file is located at
/etc/samba/smb.conf (usually).

I hate to say this, but you'll likely need to get your hands dirty in there.

I've had enough Samba-induced migraines in the past year to bring down
a herd of flying cats, so I don't envy you this task.

The options that will most likely be relevant will be at the top under
the [global] tag or all the way at the end under the [share name] tag.

Some options you may want to make sure are set right (google is your
friend for specifics):
security = share (I think)
guest ok = Yes (I think)

Let us know what you come up with.


P.S. After modifying /etc/samba/smb.conf run the "testparm" command to
make sure it's a good config file, and an "/etc/init.d/samba reload"
will apply the new settings.
P.P.S. Do you know how to edit a system configuration file?

On Wed, Sep 3, 2008 at 3:18 PM, Mark Warner <> wrote:
> A while back I set up a MEPIS 7 (essentially Debian Etch) machine as a
> shared file server on my workplace network. Just a place to store and share
> files. Simple setup -- created a large partition, linked it to the Shared
> directory in /home, and plugged it in to the network. Works great. Everybody
> has full read/write, and it makes a good central repository. Except...
> Of the sixteen or so workstations, two can't hook up to it. They are both XP
> Pro machines. The share isn't detected automagically in Network Places, and
> typing in the share path directly results in a permissions error. It's been
> this way for since I set this up, and I've not been able to figure it out.
> Then I realized something: I believe these are the only two machines that
> have a passworded user logon. All the others are blank passwords. That
> kinda/sorta makes sense, based on what I'm seeing when I try to connect to
> the share.
> My problem is I don't know where to go from here. Don't know if there's
> anything I can change on the server, or if there's something I can change on
> the individual machines. Any help/pointers/handholding appreciated.
> Understand that I'm a barely competent Linux *user*, not an administrator by
> any means. If you have any suggestions, talk baby talk to me.
> --
> Mark Warner
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