Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Certain XP machines won't connect to Samba share

Simón Ruiz wrote:
> Mark,
> The Samba server's configuration file is located at
> /etc/samba/smb.conf (usually).
> I hate to say this, but you'll likely need to get your hands dirty in there.

I'm not scared of that, and usually can grok enough to at least not do
any damage, but knowing where to go and what to do when I get there is
where I come up short.

> I've had enough Samba-induced migraines in the past year to bring down
> a herd of flying cats, so I don't envy you this task.
> The options that will most likely be relevant will be at the top under
> the [global] tag or all the way at the end under the [share name] tag.
> Some options you may want to make sure are set right (google is your
> friend for specifics):
> [global]
> security = share (I think)
> [sharebyshare]
> guest ok = Yes (I think)
> Let us know what you come up with.

Excellent. That gives me a starting point, at least.

> P.S. After modifying /etc/samba/smb.conf run the "testparm" command to
> make sure it's a good config file, and an "/etc/init.d/samba reload"
> will apply the new settings.

Thanks for that. Left to my own devices, I wouldn't have even thought of
restarting Samba.

> P.P.S. Do you know how to edit a system configuration file?

If you mean do I know how to go root and edit a text file (such as
sources.list or xorg.conf), yes, that much I can handle. Not *much* more
than that, though. :-)

Thanks for the follow-up. I'll post back with the result, one way or the

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list

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