Monday, July 6, 2009

Re: [BLUG] new to the mailing list

On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 10:48:51AM -0400, Dave Cooley wrote:
> Welcome Charles, Aaron, and Sidarth!

There is a WIKI: It
doesn't always get updated as regularly as it should be (I say this as I
note the "Future Meetings" list meetings in March and February.) But it
can have useful information in it.

> We haven't actually had a meeting in a bit. Normally, at the meetings
> somebody (anybody) will present a software package they use (that maybe
> the rest of us aren't familiar with), a new distribution they've been
> playing with, a new version of something, a new piece of hardware that
> works great with Linux, etc.

It could even be how to do something particularly cool in Linux.

I gave a presentation on boot-time theming, and easily creating a custom
screen saver. I compiled my research and notes on it and put the document
in the wiki:

It was the only presentation I've done for the BLUG, and while it was
rather old school (sans slides), it seemed to go rather well.

> We have members who are very new to Linux and computers in general, and
> we have members who are IT Professionals who work with Linux every day.

Linux is fun and easy to use. It happens to be fun and easy to use
regardless of your education or prior experience. We have a fair amount
of diversity, not just in terms of experience with IT or Linux, but
in terms age and life experiences. To me, this makes a group more
interesting as different people explore different aspects of Linux.

> BLUG doesn't have much of a structure; there are no "dues" or any
> official "membership", and there isn't really a leader. We'll get back
> to having meetings again soon (as soon as somebody plans one).

We have had leaders in the past, but leading the BLUG can be a fair
amount of work. (Shoot, preparing for a single presentation can be a
fair amount of work.)

Personally, I think our BLUG could benefit from more leadership. I
also think that it could benefit from finding out what works for other
LUGS/GLUGS and knowing what has been tried and fails. Whether this is
a shared investment in some "How to run an awesome LUG" book, or if
this is research online or something more... I think could even include
the possibility of actually having some folks sit down and visit with
another LUG.

I do think our LUG could be more awesome. That being said, between
work and my family commitments, I don't have a lot of resources I can
personally commit.

Steven Black <> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
Fingerprint: 108C 089C EFA4 832C BF07 78C2 DE71 5433 8596 FA8E

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