Sunday, November 8, 2009

Re: [BLUG] newbee

On Sun, Nov 08, 2009 at 09:25:56PM GMT, ted mishler [] said the following:
> Hi,
> I am new to linux, and downloaded XPressLinux as an iso, and it works great. I'd like to learn a few things though, and wondered when the group is going to get together? Or is it that everyone just emails questions now?

Hello Ted, welcome to the list and to the group. I think you'll find
lots of friendly help here. Hopefully we can get a meeting together
soon, perhaps a meet and greet would do well.

You are welcome to choose your own distribution of course and I don't
think any of us are criticizing your choice of XPressLinux, but there
are some things to watch out for. Since there are so many distributions
available for Linux, it can be confusing. You will probably be ok with
most of the distributions available, but this particular distribution
seems to no longer be maintained as the download link is no longer
available and the domain for the distribution seems to have expired and
taken over by an advertiser.

Because of this, It would be a good idea to ensure that what you
downloaded was indeed XPressLinux and not something else. Do you
remember when you downloaded it and from where?


Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
BLUG mailing list

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