Monday, November 9, 2009

Re: [BLUG] newbee

Schlemmer, Jared wrote:

> I realized I can learn a lot more and have more fun by customizing one
> distribution than obsessing over deciding one. So, after all that
> rambling I guess what I'm trying to say is just find one that's known to
> be stable and well supported and play with it until it is exactly what
> you want.

I long ago settled on MEPIS (Lenny based, KDE 3.5.10, tweaked and
massaged to my liking). That said, one of the best learning experiences
I've ever had -- and one that has made me appreciate the work that the
distro maintainers do all the more -- is to take a Debian netinstall,
UNcheck everything and start out with a totally stripped-down CLI
install, and build it up from scratch. I've gone through the exercise on
three or four occasions, with varying degrees of success. On one of the
attempts some time back, I ended up with a very workable Etch KDE
desktop, that would do most anything I asked of it. Later attempts with
Lenny on my laptop haven't been so satisfying. <g>

Mark Warner
BLUG mailing list

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