Friday, July 18, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Meeting presentation idea: OpenPGP/Gnu Privacy Guard

Kevin Ratcliff wrote:
> Jeremy may have you all thinking he's strictly a linux/Mac guy, but
> he's actually quite experienced in Windows system administration, and
> even does .NET programming! (sorry Jeremy, I'll stop picking on you
> now)
I do .NET too. I close my eyes and pretend it's MONO code.
> I use Thunderbird for offline access to my personal email (IMAP), and
> I like it a lot. We have Exchange at work though, and while IMAP does
> work on the Exchange server I gave up using it because of some
> "issues" I ran into. Probably Microsoft's fault for not being
> compliant with the standards, but in any case they didn't play well
> together. I tried Evolution on linux with Exchange too but wasn't
> happy with it either.
Kontact supposedly has Exchange support. Never tried it, but it's there.
> Firefox is awesome though! To get back on topic of GPG, is anyone
> using FireGPG ( with Gmail? I haven't found a
> lot of information about it and I think it's fairly new so I don't
> really know if it's considered a "secure" implementation.
As a rule, I never trust a webmail application to be secure. That said,
FireGPG actually looks decent. It doesn't do any actual encryption or
decryption itself. You actually need GnuPG installed to do the heavy
lifting. FireGPG seems to just detect when you're using Gmail and use
GnuPG on the right blocks.


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