Friday, November 7, 2008

Re: [BLUG] BLUG ideas

Hello All:

As for generating ideas for meeting topics, I do like the idea of exploring kids and Linux.  I also like the idea of exploring Linux - even better, open source - for teachers or schools.  Here are some ideas I wouldn't mind checking out:

  • gradebook programs
  • iTalc (I think someone may have presented on this one already)
  • simulators - something like "Oregon Trail", "Sim City", "Flight Simulator"
  • Linux alternatives to M$ Exchange for schools/school districts - things like Scalix or Zimbra.
  • Linux based content filters for schools (though I too have reservations about this topic. . . )

. . . there are other ideas you all can come up with, I'm sure.  

Other random ideas for meetings:

  • "Linux Challenge":  each month, year - whatever - we come up with some whacky, seemingly impossible task involving Linux.  For instance, getting Linux to run on the oldest computer we can find, or the oddest device we can find - say a Play Station 2 or something.  Document the projects via a blog or You Tube or something.  Really the projects could showcase Linux versitility and power; and anything that would showcase the "home brew" spirit of Linux folks.
  • Open Moko demo.  Okay, that has nothing to do with Linux, but I still would really love to see it!
  • I like the idea of doing a "Consumer Reports" type review of some of the more popular distros - no narrtive necessary, just spreadsheets, charts, and infographics.  I realize this might be tough for many reasons (different people are looking for different functionality, there are many different distros, criteria would have to be agreed upon, etc.)

. . . I hope to think of more later. 

Take care everyone!


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