Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Re: [BLUG] insane software prices


I realized that fundamental tenants of freedom were seeping in to other
areas of my life when I realized I was actually willing to not listen to
music not licensed in a manner I was comfortable with.

What is the difference between charging $400 vs $40, when it is the
fundamental practice that is flawed?

Steven Black

On Tue, Feb 03, 2009 at 11:10:16AM -0500, Ben Shewmaker wrote:
> This is more of a short rant than anything else, but I was reading an
> interesting book, http://www.amazon.com/Brain-That-Changes-Itself-Frontiers/dp/
> 067003830X about brain plasticity. One of the people interviewed for the book
> was Michael Merzenich, a neuroscientist who among other things, started a
> company called Posit Science that produces brain training software. I thought
> I'd go take a look at what they had to offer. Their main offering Brain
> Fitness Program classic looked at least somewhat interesting until I found the
> pricing. It's $400! And their other offering, In Sight, is also $400. If you
> buy both, you can save a whopping $100 and get both programs for $700! The
> only demo of either product is a little flash demo of InSight and while the
> programs were developed after scientific research I can't help but think $400
> is far too excessive. I want to try their software, but I am most certainly
> not plopping down $400 for that opportunity. Perhaps I am not the target
> audience for their company, maybe they aim to sell volume licenses to larger
> groups. But still, it begs the question, how much is too much when it comes to
> the price of software?

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Steven Black <blacks@indiana.edu> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
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