Saturday, September 15, 2007

Re: [BLUG] C/C++

On Sat, Sep 15, 2007 at 05:36:58AM GMT, Simón Ruiz [] said the following:
> It's amazing how geeky my studying is these days, I can't really talk
> to anyone but my boss and my fellow LUG/LoCo people about it. Java...
> Python... and I'm studying to take my LPI 101 exam at the Ohio
> LinuxFest this year. (And, oh, yeah, I'll also need to get over my
> command-line text editor block, cause vi(m) is on the exam. Hoorah!
> :-) )

Welcome to the dark side. A good preperation for that exam is to read
the man pages for all the commands. And I mean all of them. You almost
can't study for that exam, it is a challenge for even those that have
mastered the commands and it will kick the ass of anyone who doesn't
know them. For instance, it will ask things like what does ls -f do.
How many of you know without looking it up? And then it asks questions
like what does chown -r do? To which the answer is nothing because
there is no such option but of course they have the option for do the
chown recursively there. -R does the operation recursively.

I don't mean to scare you but you should have an idea about it not
being a walk in the park. When I took it in 2004, some of the questions
were very dated, showing that it had been written in 1998 or so and
hadn't been updated, so you should expect to see questions about various
dialup software.

Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group

BLUG mailing list

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