Monday, September 1, 2008

Re: [BLUG] Amarok

I've tried A LOT of distros.  I liked Mepis a lot, but I liked a few others better.  My favorites were Mandriva and Fedora but I couldn't get the sound to work (and yes I did try the obvious and turn the volume up on everything I could find). 

Another question:

If I add another linux distro, do I need to add another swap partition or will the other distro recognize and use it?

-Steve B.

On Mon, Sep 1, 2008 at 12:26 PM, Mark Warner <> wrote:
Greetings, Steve. I'm relatively new to this whole Linux thing myself.

Interested in trying something different? Me, I'm a KDE fan, and have found MEPIS to be the best out there as far as stability, usability for newcomers, and hardware detection. It's built on top of Debian stable, with a custom kernel and an implementation of KDE that's just plain sweet. Amarok just works. As does most everything else.

MEPIS v7 is the latest current version, but v8 is in development and will probably be released in a couple months. The developer takes his time -- he's from the school that believes it's best to release *when* *it's* *ready*.

Steve Beckley wrote:
Thanks for the advice.  I'm using exaile at the moment.  It does what I need it to do, but it doesn't look as pretty.  I read on the bug fix page for Amarok that they want to fix the bug for the stable release of Amarok 2.0.  I don't know why Amarok is such an epic fail on Mint.  I used it on Ubuntu just fine.  Also, did you have the problem where the font for the GNOME login fields for your username, password, and options fields (sessions, system, etc.) were huge?

Mark Warner
SimplyMEPIS Linux v6.5
Registered Linux User #415318

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