Thursday, June 18, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Mac owner

Dave Cooley wrote:
> In some ways, Apple screwed up BSD. Things aren't always where they
> should be and don't always behave how you expect them to behave (for the
> BSD user, to an extent; let alone for a Linux user like me).

I wanted to like OSX really badly. I have Apple fanboy friends who had
been telling me how great it is. You could even consider me a NeXT
fanboy, weeping at memories of my mono-slab. I got a used G4 at a
university auction down here in Texas, so I bought a retail version of
10.3 for it. Everything was going well until I got to the command line.
The damn thing wasn't case sensitive. In my mind file, File, and FiLe
are all referring to different things, but not in OSX. This is one
bastardization of FreeBSD (that Apple used to model OSX/Darwin off of)
that I can not accept. Once I found this problem I couldn't take the OS
seriously anymore, it was just a toy.

Sometimes I feel like a Unix grey beard.

Thank you,
Scott Blaydes

BLUG mailing list

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