Thursday, June 18, 2009

Re: [BLUG] opera unite

On Wed, Jun 17, 2009 at 10:11 PM, Ben Shewmaker<> wrote:
> Also, if they wanted, couldn't Apple allow 3rd party apps in some fashion,
> but where it warns the user that installing an unofficial program may do
> damage to their phone?  Or maybe I should get an android phone and support
> the competition. . .

They're as likely to do that as they are of letting you know all the
other convenient places you can get music for your iPod.

I seriously doubt Apple's main motivation in locking down *any* of
their devices is the welfare and security of their end-users.

And yeah, my protest plan in this democratish capitalistish society is
to buy an Android phone. We're waiting to see what handsets come out
over the summer, but both my wife and I are pretty well decided on
Android as an interface.


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