Friday, June 5, 2009

Re: [BLUG] Beware Copyright Law (was Transform Ubuntu to OS-X)

On Fri, Jun 05, 2009 at 04:36:09PM -0400, Simón Ruiz wrote:
> Copyleft—the GNU license, Creative Commons etc.—as I understand them,
> are clever hacks designed to subvert the copyright system as it
> stands, basically to *free* people from it. Artists who choose these
> licenses are expressing disgust with the system.

Now, I disagree with you there. I don't think there's any implication
of disgust.

> These licenses may derive their legal teeth from copyright itself, but
> they exist as criticisms of it. They are good, I'd say, not because of
> our copyright system but in spite of it.

Again, I disagree with you.

I think it is easy to be dissatisfied with copyright out of a general
disgust with the manipulations of "intellectual property" talk made by
the media on behalf of big business. There's an active attempt to blur
the lines between things right and good (like copyright) and things
wrong and bad (like software patents).

> I hear this "We have a crappy implementation of it, but copyright is
> good in principle" idea often, but I'm not sure I know which principle
> is being talked about.
> What is this principle? Can we name it?

How about from "Principles of copyright" located at :

|Copyright is a legal convention which recognizes the paternity of a work
|to its author's natural person. It is based on two types of fundamental,
|inalienable, perpetual, imprescriptible and complementary rights: moral
|rights and patrimonial rights.

The principles then appear to boil down to:
* Moral rights: It is mine, and you can not change it.
* Patrimonial rights:
* Exclusive proprietory rights: I, alone, own it.
* Remuneration right: I can be paid for it.

The Creative Commons licenses offer finer control over these rights.

It does not appear to conflict with them. I see nothing about these
rights and the CC licenses which even conflict.


Steven Black <> / KeyID: 8596FA8E
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