Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Re: [BLUG] What have you done with Linux lately?

I'll bite. I checked out the latest version (0.10.2) of Stellarium
(Astronomy software) on Ubuntu 9.04 and its much improved over the last
version I used. It now has a better menu system, configuration windows,
etc. Someone basically went in and did a facelift. You should check it
out if you are into stargazing. Also, version 1.5 of Neverball and
Neverputt come with a lot of new levels.

I've also been using Wine a lot recently. One interesting thing was
that I bought a MIDI enabled keyboard recently so that I could play it
with software instruments. Not only was I able to run Reason music
software through Wine, but I could route MIDI to it and get the keyboard
to play the virtual instruments in Reason on Linux. I think its really
cool when stuff like that works.


On Wed, Jun 03, 2009 at 06:34:17PM GMT, Barry Schatz [] said the following:
> Well, I know we have members. (174 officially on the list and most
> replied to my spam)
> We need discussions! What have you done with Linux or other free
> software lately? Any reinstalls? Who switched distros in the last six
> months and why? Was it worth it? Even if you only have time for a couple
> sentences, we all can benefit from your experiences.
> I'll start.
> My current adventure is upgrading my tower (desktop) to Kde 4.2. I use
> Kde 4 on my laptops because I don't mind if I experimental packages
> break them, but my tower is strictly Debian testing. Except for
> Ktorrent, I didn't use any Kde4 apps on my tower until a couple nights ago.
> Due to a very custom setup, I had to use a combination of apt-get,
> deborphan, and apt-show-versions to get to where Kaboom would import my
> settings. Even with my configuration migrated to Kde4, it needed a lot
> of tweaking. Settings optimized for Kde3 won't feel right in Kde4. I
> ended up going through all the config screens anyway. The defaults are
> perfectly usable, but I like to configure everything to work best for /me/.
> I didn't save a screenshot before the migration, and I wish I did (I
> would like to compare old and new). The layout of everything was simple
> and intuitive (for me). The new layout is nice too, though. Everything
> feels clean and fresh. Desktop effects work better than before, and
> transparency doesn't have gross memory leaks. I lost my convenient app
> launchers in the transition, but krunner is so slick now that I don't
> feel like recreating them.
> If you're interested in Kde4, I recommend it highly. The 4.0 and 4.1
> releases were rough, but 4.2 is ready for human consumption. If you want
> more detail on using Debian's apt tools (or using Debian in general),
> I'm happy to help.
> -Barry
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Mark Krenz
Bloomington Linux Users Group
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