Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Re: [BLUG] What have you done with Linux lately?

Quoting Mark Krenz <>:

> Not sure about KDE, but Gnome has this feature. Its actually set by
> default to not raise the window if it gets focus, but you have to turn
> on "give window focus when mouse moves over it" for it to work the way
> you expect it too. Its a pretty popular feature so I'm guessing KDE and
> others will have it too.

Okay that's good. I haven't come across it when using another computer,
but I probably just didn't know how to go in and adjust the settings
properly. I have come across where the window gains focus if you move
the mouse over it, but then usually the window raises if you click on
a button or click to insert the cursor somewhere.

> I can't believe you're still using FVWM. There isn't anything wrong
> with that, but I figured almost everyone had migrated.

No worries :)

> I migrated once
> virtual desktop support was good in the desktop WMs. Do you still have
> to restart the window manager in order to update your config file
> settings with FVWM?

I actually started using FVWM after virtual desktop support for the big
desktop managers came along, and I started using FVWM a couple years
after I started using Linux. So it's doubly backward :) I do restart
FVWM whenever I change the config file. Maybe there's a better way, but
it just takes a second and it's never disturbed anything that's running
in the windows. In other words, it's not like having to restart the X
server or anything. And, as it turns out, I actually change it pretty

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